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How Person-Centered Care Enhances Nursing Practices: Critical Reflection

How Person-Centered Care Enhances Nursing Practices: Critical Reflection

Person-centered care is now a foundation of current nursing practice in healthcare today, meaning that treatment is based on individual patient values, needs, and preferences. This critical reflection explores the benefits of person-centered care for nursing practices and how nurses play a vital role in providing compassionate care, ensuring the safety of patients, and establishing trust through communication. Person-centered approaches in nursing not only enhance patient outcomes but also improve the professional development of nurses in this era of continuous reflection and learning.

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Person-Centered Care in Nursing Practice: A Critical Reflection on Nurse Roles



The following essay is a critical analysis of the statement, which is the person-centered care delivery, which is mainly developing fundamental aspects and which is the main playing role, namely the nurse’s role. The sum of the placement and the experiences were drawn in, in which the author of the following essay reflects critically on the statements in line by line with the midwifery as well as the nursing domain, which NMC preserves the safety of, as it is stated in the code of NMC. Furthermore, the essay mainly focused on and exhibited a thorough review of patient-centered care as well as the policies that were referred to in addition to supporting it. However, this essay sensuously explores the main dominating as well as the preserving safety and basically explains how the data and the essay are applicable to the person-centered practice. Moreover, the staff working in the healthcare agencies also adopted patient-centered care, and they made a patient-inclusive as well as active partners in the plan for the betterment of delivery very carefully. The government also promoted the Department of Health in the last two decades, as it stipulates the National Health Service, which is the NHS, which empowered the patients in more numbers and encouraged the patients to afford the control all the way over their healthcare. The main effective key component of patient-centered care is effective communication between the health workers, as it develops curative relationships between the patients and the communication with the family members of the patient.

Main body

Overview of person-centered care

The National Medical Commission (NMC), which is in the healthcare providers, is the person-centered care that is mainly processed by the patients in the medical care unit and collaborating with the care providers of the health in the procedure. Moreover, the person-centered care unit is needed for the requirement of healthcare workers, as it is required to consult the patient families whose relatives were developing the health plan for them. As a result, it is seen that when the healthcare workers adopted the patient care, they made the inclusive as well as the active partner in their healthcare plan and for the delivery care (Shin et al. 2019). The main component of the patients entered here is the communication, which is needed to be effective, which is namely called effective communication. Communication, which is effective, mainly allows the workers of the healthcare system, as they develop the curative relationship with the patients as well as the patient’s family member, to communicate with them in an effective manner. The effective communication approach to the motivational facility of the interviews and the empathy of the communication were practiced in the patients who entered care (Wallengren et al. 2022). The main motive in motivating the interviews is mainly the procedure of talking interracially with the patients to draw their attention and take their attention to them to get information about the patient health care unit, which needs some questions. Moreover, in doing this process, it is seen that a worker in the healthcare unit let the patient as well as prompted the patient, as it was not responding to some questions that were given in the healthcare unit. However, effective communication shows the empathy of the healthcare worker when they are communicating with the patients as well as the families of the patients in the healthcare center (Fazio et al. 2018). In doing this, this will allow the patient to talk with the healthcare workers, and they can speak effectively with the healthcare workers with the flow to develop the relationship with them, which is good for their health as well as good for themselves as well as their families. 

A good and proper motivational theory, which was taken during the time of interviews, will increase the communication system with the healthcare workers and will motivate them in their interviewing skills in the future, as it allows them to relate to the patients and to make good relationships with the health workers in the patient-centered care unit (Sillner et al. 2021). The main principle behind this in patient-centered care is a proper view of the patient, which was taken during the consideration as per the care that is given to them when they are not feeling happy with the care, and they would likely prefer the alternative care plan. Only this alliance is the principle of patient-centered care. In the near future, the standard of nursing should be mandatory for all the healthcare providers to seek their attention and consent from the patients. It doesn’t matter whether they are happy with the continuation of the plan with care; it is to be done when she is well enough to be involved with the care.

A breakdown of the 1 domain to be chosen 

The National Medical Commission, which is the NMC code practice, requires that the nurses as well as the midwives ensure the patients as well as the public’s safety, which was not affected by the practices of the healthcare unit and the person-centered unit. Moreover, the midwives and the nurses need to work within their limits for the competence of themselves that they are not doing in the person-centered care (Badian et al. 2018). It needs to follow and exercise the professional “duty of candor,” which raised the concerns very quickly at the time when they connected, and when they came across the different situations they had faced in the process of putting the patients as well as the public safety at risk. It is also seen again that it is dominating the requirements of the nurses quickly, and it needs to be corrected immediately. The nurses act that for any situation, it is needed to be corrected if someone may have suffered from the actual disease or hum for any of their personal reasons. 

Furthermore, the nurses also took quick action, and it is necessary for all the nurses to take action very quickly if there is any unnecessary scene and if any kind of incident were to happen with them so that they could potentially harm the patients as well as the staff and the many other people in the healthcare society unit and the person-centered evaluation (Mohr et al. 2022). Moreover, the following code also requires the nurse to explain the accident or anything that had happened in the hospitals fully and clearly, and here is the basic need for effective communication: what happened, in which they have to mention the effects that were included in it, and then they need to apologize to the person who got affected unnecessarily during the effect. 

The nurses of the care unit also need all the documents of the events that happened and also need to take further escalation if they are appropriate, so it is better for them to deal with the documents very quickly and timely. The main duty of the professional revolves around the boundaries of honesty as well as openness when all the things were done wrong in the person-centered care unit (Terry and Kayes, 2020). The paper mainly implies the units of healthcare professionals that they should always be honest and open with the patients and their families if anything goes wrong with the treatment and while treating the patients that can eventually or actually harm the patient and cause different side effects. In addition to the point that it is very necessary for the workers who work in the health care field and all the nurses that they should always offer help in case any emergency situation arises when they are practicing the treatment with their patients and they should tell their families, and it is important to be open up with them.

The nurse’s role and the importance of critical reflection

The critical reflection, which is the main procedure of the reviewing of the action of one that is to be evaluating them, needs to be learned from them that in the process of nursing as well as in the procedure of the healthcare, the main motive of the critical reflection is to encourage the relevant experience of the nursing from the past, which has been done to ascertain it doesn’t matter that the healthcare professional, which may be a nurse or the workers of the healthcare unit, might take the appropriate action during the time of the experiences (Paterson et al. 2020). The most important part of the critical reflection to the nurses is that the critical reflection facilitates and has the power to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the nurse that others can’t do as well as also recognizes the guiding nurses during the time of learning and development. The critical reflection also has the power to allow the Nelsons to take help in their development process and for their betterment, which is directed by themselves in terms of learning skills as well as in the improvement of the quality of care that they provide in the healthcare unit and as well as in the person-centered care. 

As per the reports, the critical reflection also includes that the nurses who are engaged with the critical thinking that is developing the nurses in terms of inductive reasoning skills as well as their developing the inductiveness in the minds of the nurses so as a result the nurses who were adopting the critical reflection on their daily basis are very good at solving the problems of the patients that they are facing in the care unit as well as they can also help in the process of decision-making with the patients in a very excellent manner after following the critical reflection process regularly (Pangh et al. 2019). The nurses also play a great role in the process of critical reflection, that is, the reflective practice, as it promotes the reflective learning of the nursing that is practiced, which improves the quality of service, which enhances the identification of areas and makes the betterment of service quality for the training and the improvement process, which also ensures the evidence-based practices that were also done in the process. Despite the fact that reflective practice also facilitates improvement in the service due to the reason that the knowledge was gained in the process, which comes via reflective practice that can also be used for the betterment of the quality and improve it for the services care and among all the aspects of care in a different manner. 

The role as a student nurse also facilitated the ability that is provided in the person-centered care that is related to the national medical commission domain with preserving the safety. But it is need to be aware due to the reason after that the person will able to provide all the information about the person-centered care in the domain the safety which is also due to the reason of the work experience which has been done previously in a clinical manner as a assistant of nursing (Pesut et al. 2019). By having great knowledge about the theory of patient-centered care during the time of themed person-centered courses as well as the educational modules, which were interprofessional to each other. It is also seen from the previous clinical experience, which is done on the basis of theoretical knowledge and the patient-centered care concept, that it needs to be aware of the relationship between the healthcare workers as well as the professionals with the patients, that all of them know that it is the only key component of the patient-centered care that is a point that is also enclosed with it (Wakefield, 2018). Moreover, it is necessary to be good in empathy as well as in the interviewing skills in terms of motivation, and it is necessary to develop the scales to develop the relationship with the patient who is under the care of a mentor that is consequently seen that the patient is not happy with the nurses and the process of medication that has been done or is being done with the patient and to check the process of treatment carefully.

A lack of assertiveness and also human factors, which are in terms of poor communication skills that are related to the theoretical knowledge of the education that had been informed and which is interprofessional for them, can also facilitate the poor patients and their outcomes. As a result, it is very much important to be assertive when the time comes to raise the proper concern with the mentor and the doctor, as well as with the senior nurse, that in any essence the role should not be facilitated both between the patient-centered care and as well as the upheld national medical commission (NMC) domain with preserving the proper safety (Monagle et al. 2018). Perhaps the effective communication skills as well the proper training for the nurses in terms of assertive communication should be done and should be incorporated within the nursing and into the proper curriculum due to the reason when the nurses will undergo the effective communication as well as the assertive communication training period they should become more knowledgeable as well as they also can boost their confidence and became confident in the time of the concern when it will be raised.


In conclusion, this essay has shown many critical reflections that reflect the benefits for the nurses as well as all the facilities for all the service providers that were providing service from outside. This essay mainly described the process of understanding the main thing, which is patient-centered care, and how to upload it to the national medical commission, which is the NMC domain, while preserving the safety of it. It also showed the vital role of the nurses that they were playing in the patient-centered care and mainly focused on the very harsh role that they were playing immensely in the person-centered care without any fear and loss, which also needs to be uploaded in the National Medical Commission, the NMC domain portal, with the safety that is preserved in it. This essay also highlights the main culture that is followed in the hospitals and also the lack of assertiveness in the teamwork as well as the main roles of the nurses, which is related to the patient-centered care by upholding it in the NMC portal while also preserving the proper safety. Even this is also an awareness that is reflecting the previous experiences that were done clinically in the process of education as well as training in practicing the knowledge regarding this. The future Northern practice will also improve the power of gaining more information and proper information about the National Medical Commission (NMC) domain by preserving safety with patient-centered care, which is undergoing effective communication training rather than effective communication.

Reference List

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