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Contemporary Issues in Nursing Education: Addressing Modern Medical Educational Challenges

Contemporary Issues in Nursing Education: Addressing Modern Medical Educational Challenges

Nursing education has undergone significant transformations to address modern medical and educational challenges. From integrating advanced technologies and evidence-based curricula to adapting to the growing influence of social media, the landscape of nursing education is evolving rapidly. This sample work explores contemporary issues shaping nursing education today, focusing on the innovative methodologies and the challenges faced by educators and students. Through this report, you’ll get insights into how these changes are preparing future nurses for a dynamic and demanding healthcare environment.

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Assignment Question:

Analyze the evolution of nursing education, focusing on the integration of technology, evidence-based practices, and the role of social media. Discuss the challenges and opportunities these changes present for nursing educators and students in not more than 1,000 words. Referencing Style: APA.


Contemporary Issues in Nursing Education and Modern Educational Challenges

Contemporary Issues in Nursing Education and Modern Educational Challenges


Today’s modern nursing educators can deliver clinical knowledge to a class from thousands of miles away thanks to a virtual goldmine of methodologies, curriculum, and modeling, including simulators, in addition to other cutting-edge technology innovations. Difficulties, some of which are exclusive to the online environment but weren’t known a decade ago, come along with these improvements. The modern nurse educator would have to be proficient in both the clinical & non-clinical aspects of the idea being taught in the ability to instruct both practicing nurses and prospective nursing students (Al-Jallad, 2017). Even though lectures are still a crucial part of nursing education, there are no other information delivery strategies that demonstrate to students how to apply new knowledge.

Education including educational practices will advance along with the creation and implementation of new technologies. The last century has seen rapid advancements in nursing education. Despite the long history of caregiving, nursing education today is more formal, modern, and to a certain extent standardized than it was when Nightingale first started it. The primary objective of nursing education in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was to prepare capable, knowledgeable post-Victorian women to help doctors (Lawton, 2017). In reality, the medical professionals and medical leadership of that time substantially affected the growth of nursing as a profession, in addition to nursing education (Walker & Holmes, 2008). In the past, nurses were instructed to repress their own emotions and ideas, especially if they disagreed with the doctor’s recommended course of treatment. It was once thought that nursing education was never going to be on par with that of doctors.


Nursing education is evolving as swiftly as healthcare itself. The necessity for nursing education to progress to better educate incoming nurses for effective and collaborative clinical practice is clearly of concern to the Institute of Medicine (IOM). Future nurses will be required to combine their clinical expertise with more complex skills, such as a working understanding of the financial ramifications & considerations for both the patients as well as the organization wherein they work, all while keeping an eye on need, accessibility, & cost (Alvarado Cabrera, 2018).

A bachelor’s degree in nursing, according to the IOM, will at least add aspiring nurses to these fields and promote a more thorough awareness of healthcare and also its role in society, even though it may entirely match future clinical and educational requirements (IOM, 2011). Others support professional specialty accreditation in addition to a bachelor’s degree in science as evidence that nurses are actively furthering their education, most notably Charles Foster (2012).

Other research findings, most prominently that of Raymond & Knox (2011), have mentioned the requirement to update nursing education in addition to the necessity of taking into account the rapid expansion of knowledge concerning the human genome along with the most effective ways for nurses to educate and train and educate the patient in this incredibly delicate area of health care and also to utilize this information in practice.

Williams & Nichols (2011) had already gone so far as to advocate that all nursing curricula incorporate genomic education, as well as that the content of present courses be thoroughly examined to make sure that genomic content is being covered. This is noteworthy considering that only seasoned doctors or counselors were allowed to address genetic disorders and their ramifications just a decade ago.

Professional nurses should also finish more demanding training programs before earning their credentials because they typically start working in the field straight after graduation. These nurses are expected to have the essential skills required to function in a hospital while also possessing the aptitude to swiftly pick up and apply new information relevant to the practice of critical care (Lawrence, 2011). A possible solution has been suggested, which is a critical care course before graduation.

Critical care medical content specialists will lead the two-day workshop-style training. Participating in a course like this greatly boosted a nursing student’s confidence in their ability to recognize as well as take action to prevent a patient’s clinical state from deteriorating to research by Gallagher & McKinney, 2011). This kind of instruction is incredibly important regardless of whether the individual seems to have no plans to specialize in critical care. Today’s modern hospitalized patients are sicker than ever before, therefore treating patients with a range of, sometimes chronic diseases are challenging. This makes the capacity for critical thought and action all the more important.

Presently, there are many obstacles for nursing students to overcome, including the ongoing transition from conventional classroom-based education programs to online programs, the need for enough registered nurses to fulfill the increasing demand for healthcare, needed to accelerate healthcare transformation, which also necessarily involves an almost constant re-evaluation of nursing curricula, and also the retention and recruiting of qualified nursing professionals to teach students (Kano & Verbeke, 2018). This means that nursing education from the past ten years is quickly becoming outdated and is currently being supplanted by instruction that is significantly more technically oriented, centered on evidence-based procedure, and concept-based guidance, but also contains other competence-based anticipations such as leadership development, team spirit, informatics, as well as cooperation (Hyrkas, Randall & Meinersmann, 2016). To swiftly reevaluate &, if necessary, create new courses and curricula that accommodate recommendations is a difficulty for nursing educators.

The prevalence & impact of social media should be seen as an addition to the process of nursing education. Notwithstanding all of its negative aspects & risks, social media is going to stay. Social media sites serve as a route for communicating current trends in education as well as a quick method for assessing new technologies & therapeutic regimens, thus nursing students need to use extra caution while consulting them for current information. Due to a dearth of peer-reviewed material and a propensity for soundbites or brief, snappy statements, critical or complex aspects of the issue may be completely missed. Carroll, Bruno, & Tschudi (2016) contend that social media nursing knowledge ought to only be taught as an intriguing sidelight, never as a replacement for exercising sound judgment.


The prevalence & impact of social media should be seen as an addition to the process of nursing education. Notwithstanding all of its negative aspects & risks, social media is going to stay. Social media sites serve as a route for communicating current developments in education as well as a quick method for assessing new technologies & therapeutic regimens, thus nursing students need to use extra caution while consulting them for current information. Due to a lack of peer-reviewed material and a propensity for soundbites or brief, snappy statements, critical or complex aspects of the issue may be completely missed. Carroll, Bruno, & Tschudi (2016) contend that social media nursing knowledge ought to only be taught as an intriguing sidelight, never as a replacement for exercising sound judgment.


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